June 22, 2009

The hardest story to write...is the one I don't care about

Sometimes the hardest part of a story is doing the interview (or getting ahold of people for that matter). Other times the hardest part is that awkward limbo between the interview and actually writing the story. Getting the first sentence or paragraph written can be quite a struggle. But often, after that little bit of resistance, the story flows out on its own. It tells itself.
Other times, I have to fight to keep writing. Its not writers block because I can write other stories. A change of material and I’m fine. The stories continue flowing. I can even journal or change writing styles and I’m fine. But as soon as I come back to the original story, I stop.
The problem is not that you don’t enough material. I think the problem is you don’t have an emotional connection to the story.
I am currently working on writing a story that I have a seven page interview from. I’m drowning in material. And the problem is I DON’T CARE. There is no emotional attachment.
A couple weeks ago I was working on a different story and I enjoyed every minute of it. I couldn’t get enough of writing and re-writing that piece. I fell in love with the story. I WANTED to share that story with the world.
But…not with this one. I’m having a hard time forcing myself to tell his story.

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