December 15, 2013

On Gift Pacts and Christmas Tags.

something you wear easy diy christmas tag

This is our first married Christmas together, so we are having tons of fun coming up with our own traditions.

We made a gift pact, which basically goes a little like this: only buy gifts that don't hurt other people. This translates that we are trying to only buy from local artists and/or companies that are committed to treating their employees ethically. 

To make things even simpler, we decided to get each other four gifts: something you want, something you need, something you wear, something you read. 

something to wear something you read

I had so much fun choosing gifts for Adam, though I did have a moment where I semi-panicked that he wouldn't like one of his gifts. Then he sent me a direct link to that exact I guess that means he will like it. (He sent me lots of links, so maybe he won't be able to figure out what I'm talking about

People often complain that men are hard to shop for, but I find it to be the opposite with Adam. The problem I run into is limiting what I get him (or getting it for him before he gets it for himself!). 

I wrapped up his prezzies, and found myself in possession of zero gift tags. Luckily, I had reached the end of the wrapping paper roll...which was just thick brown paper and not a real roll. I cut little rectangles out and made my own tags. Add a sharpie and some ribbon and voila. Christmas magic.

something you wear something you read

1 comment:

  1. Cute! I love the four things - I think we are going to do that with our boys eventually. Right now we don't buy them anything (except a bed this year - and books last year) because GRANDPARENTS. :) One thing a friend of mine is doing with her grown children and her grand-daughter is "something they need, something they want, and something to give to someone else" I thought that was a very cool idea.
