October 13, 2012

On Purses, Peanut Butter M&Ms, and [Dr.] Pepper.

I'm working on eliminating "stuff" from my life, like old purses I no longer use.
But first I'm telling their stories.
I introduced "Project Simplify: Stories of My Stuff" earlier this week.

The purse and I met on May 7, 2010. We were in the atrium of James River Assembly, immediately following my high-heeled jaunt across the stage. I'd shook hands with the president of the university, held my empty diploma case, and smiled for the hired photographers next to an American flag.



The purse was a gift from my Grandma (who couldn't make it to my graduation), but was picked out by my little sister. It was filled with a huge bouquet of flowers and two huge bags of peanut butter M&Ms.


Love in the form of chocolate and flowers and the perfect purse: pink, yellow flowers, the ideal size, straps of the most desirable length.

This purse and I were inseparable, my companion, my other half, until that fateful day last November. My friends and I were headed out to see Twilight: Breaking Dawn, Part 1. In usual fashion, I put snacks in my purse, including a can of Dr. Pepper.

Bad Idea.

[Note to readers: only put plastic containers of drinks in your purse. Or purchase your drinks at the theatre. Don't be cheap. It could ruin everything.]

Upon arrival at the theatre, I realized my mistake. My entire purse and all of its contents were soaked with sticky Dr. Pepper that had exploded during the journey to Campbell 16. I salvaged what I could, and threw away the rest...gum wrappers, bobby pins, weird worthless items that always seem to find their way to the bottom recesses of my handbag. 

After this incident, I knew it was time to retire the pink purse from graduation.

You'd think I would have learned my lesson, but I definitely tried smuggling a hot Starbucks coffee in with me to drink while watching Brave in August.

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