November 12, 2012

On Muffins, Mixing Bowls, and [birthday steak] Winners.

These little fall delights were so easy to make, however they ended in a casualty: that of my favorite red mixing bowl! I blame it on the strong biceps I've developed from my hours spent grooving at jazzercise.

My poor poor bowl :(

I found this recipe on Pinterest, of course. Does anyone look for recipes anywhere else these days? I think the muffins could afford a little more sugar, but the original recipe was intended to be healthy or eating well, or something.

They're real delicious. I wish I had put some walnuts inside of them in addition to the topping. Other than that, they were wonderful. The yogurt, which was probably the secret ingredient, made them especially moist and delectable. I used vanilla instead of plain, because who buys plain yogurt? Gross.

In other news, today is Rainboots & Beef's 4th Birthday!!!!!!
Congrats to Kristy, the winner of the steak giveaway! I'll be contacting you about getting the beef to you!!!
PS: This is recipe No. 10 of 25 for the [25 before 25] Pinterest challenge. Visit my Pinterest fooddessert, or snack boards and let me know what other recipes I. Also, check out the items left on the [25 before 25] list and tell me which item I should attempt next. 


  1. Hem hem. You should buy some faaancy jeans before your big trip to Oregon-land!

    1. hm....thats a good idea, however, i just bought a faaancy something else...leaving me poor :(
