June 12, 2013

My Favorite Products Made in Oregon

Adam and I are self-proclaimed foodies, and we especially love finding superb local ingredients and treats. Here are three of our favorite things, all from our home state of Oregon!

Moonstruck Chocolate.
This chocolate is freaking gold, guys. My first experience with it was when I was living in Missouri and Adam was in Oregon. He mailed me some and I fell in love...with the chocolate!

Our favorite is Dark Chocolate Sea Salt Almond, but you can't go wrong with the classic Dark Chocolate. We haven't even tried any of their truffles, but I'm sure they're amazing.

Every grocery shopping trip we check if it is on sale, and almost every night we find ourselves drinking hot tea and nibbling on this chocolate. I told Adam he should hide it from me so I don't gobble it all up at once.

Jacobsen Salt.
I got this salt for Adam's birthday, but I find myself using it instead of all the other salt options in our house when cooking. I also ordered the sliding tin of finishing salt for him, but it wasn't in the package. I contacted the company and they sent us TWO sliding tins. Hello, customer service! We are quite pleased.
Tillamook Cheese.
I'm actually not a big cheese person, but I can't help but love a good cheddar melted in a quesadilla, grilled cheese, or atop tortilla chips.

I remember seeing Tillamook cheese in the specialty cheese section of grocery stores when I lived in Missouri, never failing to make me miss the Northwest. It's in the regular cheese section here!

We pretty much always are eating our way through a baby loaf of this stuff in our fridge. We hope to go visit the Tillamook Cheese factory at some point while we are living here in Oregon.

Have you tried any of these yummies from Oregon? What are your favorite local products?

*full disclosure: while these companies are NOT reimbursing me for these reviews, some links are Amazon affiliate links.

1 comment:

  1. Oregon Marionberries!! From the wild roadside bushes are one of my favorites! - Kristy B
