April 24, 2013

On [not having time for] High Five for Friday.

There was no way to fit in a High Five for Friday last week. It was overflowing and full from beginning to end, which is good since it makes the days leading up to the wedding go faster and faster.

Since we've last talked:

Saturday: we did our final walk-through at our venue.

Sunday: I drove to the coast to spend the day with Adam. After church we attended the children's theatre production of The Music Man Jr. that one of our youth group students was performing in. Then we tackled more "nesting" projects, like hanging this fabulous light fixture my mom and sister found at a Goodwill.

Adam channeled his inner-Jamie Oliver and made us a fabulous dinner spread. During the grocery shopping for this dinner, we scored petite sirloin for 3.99/lb., but failed to find any salted lemons. I'd never heard of salted lemons, but Adam and I decided they will be all the rage in the hipster cooking community in less than a year.

Our first meal together in our first little home.
On Monday and Tuesday we went to our fellowship's district council, where I saw lots of people and pastors I'd known as a kid. However, what I really must tell you is how we stumbled upon some salted lemons (imported from Egypt!!!) at a tiny mediterranean market! The man was so friendly and wanted us to stay there for hours and sample ALL THE THINGS! We needed to go, but indulged him in trying some Syrian spices and purchasing said salted lemons.

On Thursday, we had our weekly pre-marital counseling session in Portland, followed by DATE NIGHT! It was my turn to plan, so we ate at a food cart pavilion and then took a roller dancing class. Neither of us broke any bones, so let's consider that a success!

Friday and Saturday were filled to the brim with taking our youth group to Acquire the Fire. I've probably never felt so old in my life, especially when I could hardly stay awake playing Apples to Apples at 11:30 p.m. We introduced the students to awesome things in Eugene like Off the Waffle and Voodoo Doughnut. During one dinner break we all played Lazertag, where Adam got to see a new warrior-side of me he had never fully experienced.

Sunday I slept and slept and recovered from the crazy week, with lots of resting breaks to work on more wedding stuff, which is what the last two days have also been full of: wedding, wedding, weddddddinggggggg.

We're at 17 days to go, and I'm SO READY! The centerpieces are done, the programs are ordered, I have my dress, so LET'S DO THIS THING!

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  1. Roller Dancing? I so want to try that!!

    1. It was really fun! It was like a cross between ballroom dancing and skating. It made me feel super uncoordinated, but it was a great workout! (and it felt much safer than roller derby!)
